03 June 2010

Crazy Little Thing Called Love::

It's funny. Tonight I had the idea of picking up the computer to write about a subject that I think we can all relate to. A subject that each and every one of us has a connection with. An emotion that can be so powerfully good or so awesomely bad.

Tonight I was going to write about love.

We have all given love, and we have all received love. We have been blessed to share this special feeling with the people we choose to surround ourselves with. But then I thought; Can love really be described? Can something that tugs at the very shoestrings of your soul be written about on paper?

I started wandering around Facebook and on other blogs that I follow and came across one from a very lovely lady who I have only had the pleasure of being around a few times. But to me, she is love because I can see it and feel it through her energy and her writing.

I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys. Now this is not to say I didn't grow up "girly." In fact, sometimes I think I am too sensitive for my own good and I let my feelings get ahead of my rationality. But give it time and I always seem to pull myself back down to the ground where I find myself standing on two feet looking out at this beautiful existence with nothing but love to give. Now, I do contribute (a lot of) my amount of loving energy to my childhood, my parents and my "brothers." Thank you Eric, mostly, for always being my big brother. And the others? Well, you know who you are and I am pretty sure you have a good idea of how you've positively influenced me. But out of these brothers of mine, I have always admired James for his determination, his "cool" and his capacity to just be his inspiring self. And I think that is why he met and married a very loving woman.

It's funny that I would sit down to write about love and sift through the blog updates in my feed to find a recent blog post of Stacey Kirkham. She writes about it so well, I will just quote her:

"as i ponder love and its meaning, i often find myself questioning if love is even the right word for the emotion i feel. is it possible to more than love someone? these thoughts led me to the dictionary...

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. affectionate concern for the well-being of another

why is "love" so hard to define? for me, love goes beyond affection, attachment, desire and concern...it reaches my soul and oozes from my pores. my love is intended for benefits not for profits, it is meant for others. my love is infinite and not temporal, it is patient. my love is merciful and not judgmental, it is unconditional." (Thank you Stacey).

Love is Truth. Love is the reason we are here. Without it, a person has nothing. With it, a person feels as though anything is possible. And believe this, with love, anything IS possible. It is good when it's here, but sometimes I think it gets overlooked or taken for granted. It is devastating when it is gone. The pain of losing love or a loved one seems almost too much to bear. Love leads people to do irrational things, funny things, inspiring things. It can also be pushed out of people's reach for no explanation at all.

The word "Love" may not be able to describe the emotion that a person has, but hell, the people that make the rules say that everything in this world needs to be named for the purpose of description and comprehension. So what is this I feel? It is so good. It is so big. It is so simple. It is what it is, my friends.

I often contemplate on how to share that love with more people. How to share that love with the world! I have felt the love of the world before and I know what it feels like to know you've touched the lives of people you may not even know. Love is all-encompassing, invigorating and True. More positive thought=more love=a better existence.

So, without further ado, thank you to all of the people who have ever given me love. I have learned from each and every one of you. And thank you to specific people who taught me what real love is.

I think this is the first time I have written a blog post and haven't really taken it anywhere. I have no concrete opinion, I have no easy line to suggest people follow. I don't even really know if this post has a point! But I guess that just means that love is ultimately something that the heart does not debate, it does not tell you one way or the other how to love. I guess you just... DO.

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